Our process is designed to help each family select the perfect addition to their family.
We have several mama puppies who are expecting at any given time. Each expected litter has a list that is normally pre-filled based on how many puppies we normally expect from that mom. All golden doodle puppy slots require a deposit based on selection position. Pick of the litter and second pick are two of the most requested slots and require the highest deposit amount. Then, each additional spot is filled based on when each family initially inquired about adopting a golden doodle puppy. This position becomes your spot in line to choose on puppy pick-up day.
Once golden doodle puppies are born we update the families on the list with images and videos so the family can watch them grow. We will post about each litter several times on our social media. This provides families who are waiting to adopt a doodle a great way to stay connected. Several weeks before the golden doodle puppies are ready to go home we send information via email about puppy pick up day and families will receive their time slots.
Then, on puppy pick up day each family spends time with all the puppies that are available during their time slot. This is the best way to get to know your golden doodle puppy, to see them in action and to ask our staff questions.